all postcodes in MK3 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK3 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK3 7AA 24 0 51.991908 -0.760943
MK3 7AB 23 0 51.991323 -0.759182
MK3 7AD 34 0 51.991742 -0.761399
MK3 7AE 22 0 51.99363 -0.763983
MK3 7AF 4 0 51.994402 -0.764661
MK3 7AG 6 0 51.993769 -0.763499
MK3 7AJ 21 0 51.998277 -0.754475
MK3 7AL 2 0 51.998951 -0.756052
MK3 7AN 34 0 51.999904 -0.757765
MK3 7AP 10 0 52.000024 -0.758927
MK3 7AQ 4 0 51.993102 -0.762512
MK3 7AR 8 0 51.999365 -0.757824
MK3 7AS 14 0 51.998475 -0.75613
MK3 7AT 39 0 51.997062 -0.757771
MK3 7AU 14 0 51.997229 -0.755669
MK3 7AW 14 2 52.000775 -0.760197
MK3 7AX 19 0 51.997447 -0.756741
MK3 7AY 17 0 51.996665 -0.758408
MK3 7AZ 25 0 51.997851 -0.757545
MK3 7BA 8 0 51.998131 -0.757654